Browsing: ideas

Free Verse

i am full of competing desires. hopes, dreams, and knowledge of past failures, they echo in the chambers of my mind ponderous, pondering, weighing, wondering. — 12/12/09 – 9

Free Verse
Aural Shapes

feel the aural shapes, soft and feathery light, sometimes sharp or hard like steel granite forms expressed on your tongue tasted like things grown from the earth. felt on your skin and in your spine, goosebumps and a flood of tears or a sudden intake of breath. — 12/11/09 -…

Speaking Alters Your Perceptions

Telling someone something, in some way alters the nature of the thing being told. This is especially true of personal hopes and dreams. Partially, the telling alters the fact by the way the person responds to the hearing. Hopes and dreams, like the smallest of particles, cannot be viewed without…