Tuesday, March 18

Aye… I’ve not posted in like a whole week… I’m sorry. <hangs head in shame> It was a busy time mind you, I didn’t just ignore everything on purpose. I had to travel to OK over the weekend, and I’ve been worked a little over so I could leave early on Friday. Just excuses.

Let me just say, Congratulations Joshua and Micaela, who were married last Sat. The ceremony was fun and thoroughly enjoyable. The folk music was an excellent choice, the message was apt, and I especially liked the way you demonstrated your respect for authority by having your parents come up and give their blessing. Well done.

Also, last Sat was my older brothers wedding anniversary. Congratualtions on six years. Wow, it’s somewhat hard to believe that so much time has come and gone. Love you both, continued happiness and success.


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