Browsing: portraits

I neglected to post something last night. Forgot all about it. So here are two photos to make up for it, taken on my trip to SF last weekend.

Taken on Saint Patrick’s Day, waiting for the parade to come down through downtown Galway.

This is my Grandmother and Grandfather some 50 years ago. It would have been close to, or just after WW2.

My grandmother on my mom’s side comes from the Read family line, and like her father and many generations before her, she loves to tell stories. She also loves to read, and spend much of her time these days reading books and reading her Bible. Weaker now than she used…
Every year at thanksgiving, I try to take the family portrait. Its harder than you might think. Each year I end up having to photoshop heavily to get an image that is pretty decent. So here it is, before and after. There were six other images besides the base image…