Browsing: black and white

I neglected to post something last night. Forgot all about it. So here are two photos to make up for it, taken on my trip to SF last weekend.

I like this version better. The monochrome adds impact, mostly because of the deeper shadows I think.

There is something incongruent about the sky being darker than the subject. I like the fact that in B&W photography, you can take and darken the sky till its almost black and still leave your subject at the correct exposure.
S Grand Blvd and Vista Ave, St Louis, MO 63110

I wish we would build more buildings that have features like these. There just isn’t enough truly beautiful architecture. S Grand Blvd and Vista Ave, St Louis, MO 63110

At the bottom of this statue are the words, "Sicut In Coelo Et In Terra" in Latin which mean "As in Heaven, so also in Earth". Its a quote from the Lords Prayer. I have a verticle panorama of this figure, which I will post tomorrow.
S Grand Blvd and Vista Ave, St Louis, MO 63110

I love this photo. I like the color version even better. But the way the cross stands out against the clouds, the Gothic architecture, it all gives the impression of some major event about to occur.
S Grand Blvd and Vista Ave, St Louis, MO 63110

This photo was taken on an abandoned overpass that used to connect South Spring Avenue over the train tracks. I like the composition, especially the way the wire adds a curved element in an otherwise straight geometrical scene. I added vignetting to this photo, and I think, along with the…

At least I think its a turbine. It was big though, and interesting.
Chouteau Ave and S Grand Blvd, St Louis, MO 63110

Stacked railroad ties found in a storage lot just off Chouteau Ave and South Grand Blvd. I liked the abstractness of the image and the way it uses vertical and horizontal lines.Chouteau Ave and S Grand Blvd, St Louis, MO 63110

This is a black and white version of this photo. I’m torn between which version I like best.