Thursday, March 13

People aren’t given over to lyrical and whimsical poetic response often enough. Goodness know I don’t. My thoughts are a bit scattered, so I offer you scattered bits of poetry unfinished, and welcome you to do what your fancy bids with them.

in small moments i sit in my bedroom window
thinking about how the world is so small
how in the matter of a single still moment
the choice that you make could alter it all

what if while praying in the garden that night
Jesus had spoken My will and not Thine
had He refused to give up without fight
to die on the cross as our sacrifice


give the moon my love, dear heart
for daylight fades in yonder sea
the amber glow of evenings light
speaks softly of my bed to me

and then revised by another as…

daylight fades in yonder sea
the amber glow of evening’s light
speaks softly of my bed to me
and beckons lo to morning bright


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