Sunday, March 16

Personal Notes


My roomate is off in Rome traipsing around the Italian countryside, and my little brother is at home for spring break which leaves me at home all by myself. … Its kinda weird, as I haven’t been alone for any extended period of time for nearly two years. Who knew I would dislike it this much.

I watched Looney Toones, Back in Action last night. It was pretty good. The dialoge among the real actors was pretty campy, but the cartoons were great. The gags were just like the ones you remember growing up with. Awesome.

The Birth of a Shy Mans Dream

A New York Times article on the creator of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow delves into the dreams of a shy creative.

Oh the Irony! HA!

After all that ranting, it appears that The Passion is actually reducing anti-semitism. Thats gotta hurt.

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