Last Year, a couple people posted what they read the year before. The idea intrigued me, so I kept a list this year. This year saw a return for me to Science Fiction, and to some degree Fantasy. I have, for the past few years, been either too busy to read much, or simply more interested in trying to expand my horizons to indulge in my favorite two genres.
I also read more this year than the last couple years. I found keeping the list drove me to try and read more so I could have a longer list to post. Heh, shows how much my pride drives me to worry about what other people think. ;)
I’d like to write some short commentaries on several of the books I’ve read, so look for those in the comming weeks. Til then, here is the complete list:
- "The Gunslinger" by Stephen King
- "Dune" by Frank Herbert
- "The Shadow of the Hegemon" by Orson Scott Card
- "The Way We Talk Now" by Geoffrey Nunberg
- "Nightbringer" by James Byron Huggins
- "The Drawing of the Three" – Dark Tower II by Stephen King
- "The Complete Father Brown" by G.K. Chesterton
- Includes:
- The Innocence of Father Brown
- The Wisdom of Father Brown
- The Incredulity of Father Brown
- The Secret of Father Brown
- The Scandal of Father Brown
- The Innocence of Father Brown
- "Rainbow Mars" by Larry Niven
- "Destiny’s Road" by Larry Niven
- "The Children of God" by Mary Doria Russell
- "Peter and the Star Catchers" by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
- "The Boy Who Would live Forever" by Fredrick Pohl
- "The Ship Who Searched" by Anne McCaffery, Mercedes Lackey
- "Partnership" by Anne McCaffrey
- "Sandman Vol. 3: Dream Country" and "Sandman Vol 6: Fables and Reflections" by Neil Gaiman
- "Wetware" by Craig Nova
- "Legacy of the Darksword" by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
- "The Fifth Elephant" by Terry Pratchett
- "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen W. Hawking
- "Bicentenial Man and Other Stories" by Isaac Asimov
- "The High Crusade" by Poul Anderson
- "Islands in the Sky" by Arthur C. Clarke
- "The Man Who Wasn’t There" by Roderick MacLeish
- "Ringworld" by Larry Niven
- "The Dark Elf Trilogy: Homeland, Exile, and Sojourn" by R. A. Salvatore
- "The Hunters Blade Trilogy: The Thousand Orcs, The Hunters Blade" by R. A. Salvatore
- "The Paths of Darkness: The Silent Blade, The Servant of the Shard, The Sea of Swords" by R. A. Salvatore
- "The Icewind Dale Trilogy: Streams of Silver" by R. A. Salvatore
- "The Tolkien Reader" by J. R. R. Tolkien
- "Stories From The Twilight Zone" by Rod Serling
- "Ringworld Engineers" by Larry Niven
- "Perelandra" and "That Hideous Strength" by C. S. Lewis
- "The Dark Tower and Other Stories" by C. S. Lewis