Thursday, March 13

I’m not Dead, and Neither is This Website!


You’re probably wondering where all the new photos are, and possibly what happened to new text.

Me too!

Heh. Just kidding.

Truth is, I’ve been pretty busy. With the holidays and preparation for surgery in a couple weeks, and a wedding to go to in SC, and trying to catch up with responsibilities at work and church, I just haven’t had enough time to go out and photograph anything new, and I’ve run out of stuff to post from the archives.

Not a good enough excuse? Darn.

Ok, here is my promise to you. I will devote a good 6 hours this coming Saturday to photographing more of the Saint Louis City essay and post photos from it by monday. Daily posting will resume at that point.

Until then, I offer you a photo of my dear Grandmother, and a portrait of my Parents. But for that, you must wait til tomorrow.

I beg your indulgence, and express my gratitude for you patience.

Best Regards to All,

Jason Wall 


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