Thursday, March 13

No More Eating Skittles Out of My Chest


Although I have lots of time, my head is pretty foggy, so I’ll let this note suffice for a day to let everyone know that I am doing well, and thank you all for the prayers and well wishes and visits.

For those who did not know, last Monday I had my Pectus Excavatum corrected. I have been in Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital for the past five days and unable to get on the Internet. The surgery went well, I’m in very little pain considering, and will be posting a longer more detailed account of the experience along with before and after photos soon.

Thanks especially to the Spilgers for giving me a place to stay while I’m an invalid :), and also to Sean Cooney who had his done first and encouraged and prompted me to have mine done also. Without him pioneering, I may not have gotten up the gumption to go through with it. He has also given me advice and kept in contact, so I knew what to expect from the procedure. So thanks Sean.

Ok, a longer post tomorow, for now, my Percecet is making me happy!. ;) 



  1. I’m so glad you are going well!! We thought about you and are really happy to hear that you made it through the surgery just fine.

    Stop taking so much Percocet. ;)

  2. Awesome. Next time you visit me here in DC, do it without a shirt. :P Glad you’re recovering nicely.

  3. Jason,
    meant to call and see how you were, but didn’t get around to it. Glad to hear you’re doing well.