Thursday, March 13

Yes, I’ve Decided to Support Tags


I know, I know, tags is a buzz word for really really flexible categories and using the Web 2.0 saturated moniker is, um, uncool. But why fight crowd. Truth is, my formal category structure here at walljm is clunky, hard to maintain and rigid. And “freeform categories” are not. So the ever popular tagcloud can be found here, and you will notice that all the posts and liks now show tags just beneath the main body of the post. This will hopefully make it easier for me to catalogue my posts and group photos and links in a much more intuitive manner. I’ll be working on tagging old posts for the next few weeks, as 1451 posts is a lot to tag. Over the course of the next several weeks, I may phase out some of the category links you see now and possibly impliment some different ways of viewing the tags, as the tag cloud isn’t good for finding specifics.

Oh, and comments and criticisms and rants about Web 2.0 are welcome! 


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