Saturday, December 21

Fibonacci Poems Multiply on the Web After Blog’s Invitation – New York Times
“More professional poets may be attracted to the form”, said Annie Finch, a poet who teaches at the University of Southern Maine. “Poets are very, very hungry for constraint right now,” said Ms. Finch, who has written about formal poetry. “Poets are often poets because they love to play with words and love constraints that allow the self to step out of the picture a little bit. The form gives you something to dance with so it’s not just you alone on the page.” 



  1. I have heard of those kind of poems,I think that they are neat,although Ihave never tried them myself. I believe that fibonacci poetry allows you to be yourself and write, without really putting yourself “out there.”

  2. I, myself, am a big fan of constraints. It feels far too easy to write poetry with little or know stucture.