Saturday, December 21

callofezekiel’s Xanga Site – 4/17/2006 9:05:42 AM
“White people are hard to understand…” In the linked post, Warren explains the frustration sometimes felt by pastors from different church cultures when preaching in different congregations. I’ve experienced this first hand, because when visiting more charismatic (in the sense of worship style) churches, people sometimes ask me if I’m ok because I look serious.

Some people just don’t participate in worship the same way others do. I can attest, that in many “fundamentalist” churches, the “AMEN!” and “PREACH IT!” sections are large, and though I enjoy hearing the congregation and preacher get into it, that kind of response from me would, if attempted, feel ungenuine, and thus defeat the purpose.

Hey, there’s plenty of room for all types. ;) 


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