Thursday, March 13

Sometimes You’re In the Engine, Sometimes the Kaboose


You know how life is like a train, and sometimes you’re in the Engine and in complete control, and sometimes you’re in the Kaboose, just hanging on?

Oy. Life, of course, is cyclical, and the last couple of months have been busy, but unlike other months when I’m busy (because I’m pretty much busy all the time), these months I’ve also been worn out, a situation that I had hoped would be avoided by the surgury I had in Jan of this year, but unfortunately has not had the miraculous rejuvinating effects I had hoped (at least, the effects I felt immediately following didn’t stay).

I have to apologize to my readership. When I posted three weeks ago that I was going to be on the site less often, I hadn’t intented to not post at all, but work was demanding enough creative energy that when I got home, I had nothing left to work on other projects.

But I seem to have a bit more creative energy to give to this now, so updates will resume. I have photos set to post every other day for the next week or so, so enjoy those. Links will resume also, though less frequent than previous levels. Anyway, thanks for the break, I needed it. Maybe now I can climb up from the Kaboose and make my way back to the Engine.

I hate to sound whiney ( I really do ), so let me just say that life is pretty good here. In spite of not having enough time to do everything I want (which, I must admit, is a pretty long list), I am blessed and thankful.

See you later! 


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