Tuesday, March 18

My Favorite Busted Tees


I don’t have many cool t-shirts. In fact, 90% of my t-shirts were aquired from work/school/church/volunteer activities. Sad, I know. But I’m going to fix this. Next year (because I have other important financial obligations this year), is going to be the “Year of the T-Shirt”. :)

So I’m collecting my favorite witty and socially hip/rebellious/incrowd t-shirts. Your opinions are welcomed, or not. You choose. ;)

Greece | Hungry Hungry Hippo | emosdnah er’ruoy | Pedro Lacks Political Experience | Boring | Missouri Loves Company | Beards! They Grow on You! | Senors Rule | Emo-ticons 



  1. I believe it means white people see, but don’t understand.

    I think it is a referance to the typical European not understanding Chinese culture.