Sunday, March 16

He Had My Brothers Jaw


On the subway yesterday, I had to switch trains at Grand. While I was standing on the platform, I looked over and saw this guy who reminded me of Andrew. He had the same jaw and nose. I remember he had a red checkered shirt on, and got off at Union Station. 



  1. ahh, so that’s where it went off to, I have been looking for it since I came back from StL.

    poor guy, has to look like me, I feel his pain…

  2. Very Probable he may be Irish…

    Your Great Great GrandPA (Denny side) Was tall, and had Red Hair and a Firey Temper. Never met him, but, Anne probably remembers him.

  3. also says:

    There are Dennys in St. Louis, and some of the early dennys Owned Property around 9th and Olive, Pine, and market. ???