Thursday, January 2


  1. Feeling the presence of Faith. John Wesley Said, “I felt my heart strangly Warmed”. This is referred to as his Heart Warming Experience. he continues “I felt for the first time that Christ, Christ Alone died for my sins. ” This happened to him as he listen to the reading of the preface to the book of Romans by Luther.
    Johns Father Samuel told John “Son the inter working of the Holy Spirit, is the strongest evidence of Faith>”

  2. the worst part about poetry is that I never know what to SAY about it when there’s so much that is there to be said after I’ve read it!
    But I like this one because it calls back sensory images of the church I grew up in and the feeling of that place being the most important place in the world and the childish hopes of going out to miraculously (and, of course, simply) change the world for Jesus. the only thing that mattered was the choice itself, and once that was made all else would be taken care of . . . so uncomplicated