Saturday, March 15

Social scientists adopt one of four main ontological approaches: realism (the idea that facts are out there just waiting to be discovered), empiricism (the idea that we can observe the world and evaluate those observations in relation to facts), positivism (which focuses on the observations themselves, attentive more to claims about facts than to facts themselves), and postmodernism (which holds that facts are fluid and elusive, so that we should focus only on our observational claims). Taken from Ontology – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I find this interesting, mainly because Postmodernism is in direct opposition to the foundation with which Christianity is built, mainly “The Word”. I’ve been listening to a lot of Ravi Zacharias, and also thinking a lot of the concept and role of Faith. I’ve also been taking a class in Doctrines which has been covering the doctrine of Scripture. All these things relate. But the point of interest here is that Christianity relies on “logos”, the word. The evidence given as proof by the Apostles for their assertions was the scriptures, the “more sure word of prophecy” (ref: 2 Pe 1:16-19 


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