Tuesday, January 14

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

My roomate, over at McStuff.net sent me this hilarious flash joke featuring teh Taliban…

Sony is one of the coolest companies out there. I was looking at digital cameras and they have some of the coolest options out there. Nikon is also a very nice company to visit when looking at digital products.

I’m looking for suggestion and comments concerning the site. there are a few things i’d like to add, in the way of polishing up some things. Would you all out there be interested in a bio page? I am also thinking about adding more info the individual photo pages. i thought it might be interesting to some to know specifics about where the picture was taken, what film i used, and comments about each photo. let me know what you think. Feed back is appreciated. Go here to comment.

One of the photo sites i visit every so often is photo.box.sk. note: please be careful, some content is inappropriate. Some very talented photographers post their photo’s there. Here is a very nice one. you should check it out.

Well the verdict is back on my car… aparently my encounter with that cement block twisted both engine mounts, pushing the engine back, shoving the control arm into the right axle bending it, and causing the boot to explode. :( Repairs are more costly than i care to divulge, but it could have been worse. Thoughts of damaged transmisson kept haunting me with four digit dollar signs… Curses upon the set of circumstances that led me to forget that there was something in front of my car on that fateful day… On the bright side, my photo’s from the february…

It’s Sunday morning, and i’m at church. Not my church, i am tagging along with my brother today, i’m at Bayless Baptist Church. Reason being, i am experiencing car problems… I was out yesterday, picking up photos, and the snow obscured a cement block. I ran over it with my car. I think i knocked an engine mount loose. Such is life i guess…

By request of Sean C. i have posted a new section to the site. The wallpapers will contain various wallpapers i have created from my photography. Thanks for the interest Sean!

I’m getting published! I’ve known about it for some time, but the book, Nature’s Pallete, comes out in April 2002. If you want to see the photo now, or if you want to order the book, you can go here www.picture.com The photo will be in another anthology pulished by the same people, and released in August.

Mark Horne at www.hornes.org/presbytermark mentioned me in his blog. Thanks Mark. I knew Mark back when he was just a student at Covenant Theological Seminay here is Saint Louis. He worked at my school, mobap.edu as a security guard. We used to have long talks about theology. We dissagreed a lot, but he’s an ok guy.

The jan2002 photo gallery is now online. I shot these photo’s with Ilford Delta Pro 400 bw, on the 19th of January. The photo’s were of Soulard in downtown Saint Louis.

My website is new… you will notice the new colors, if you’ve been here before. Just in case you are interested, this site was designed using XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0. This is a table-less layout, thus, if you are using a 4.0 browser, it probably isn’t going to show up correctly. To upgrade your browser you can go to Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 6.2, or Opera 6.01. Be looking for updates to the photography section, and the addition of new galleries to document my 2002 photo essay.

i just spoke to Meg, author of www.megnut.com. she was working, so i left her alone. her web cam isn’t working…

you know, you think your a decent photographer, not great, but not bad either. then you find someone who is just better than you, and it puts everything in perspective. a.lifeuncommon.org…

It is coming together, finally… I spent all day today working on recovering our production database at work. sybase is a pain to work with sometimes.

My head is begining to hurt from messing with VBScript and ASP code. I’m going home…

I’m at borders, thinking about C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. Specifically, chapter 12, where Screwtape lectures Wormwood on how to get his subject into a state of do a whole lot of nothing. Lately i’ve been thinking about the whole concept of having a “sound mind”, and what it means to think ‘soundly’. The same issue is echoed in the verse that talk about being ‘sober’ minded. Just thinking at all is dangerous to the enemy. It is one of our best weapons in spiritual warfare. Lewis speaks about that issue in the twelvth letter. Beware a lazy mind, for more…

interesting reading list from Matthew Haughey found at a.wholelottanothing.org. Most notable the 6th item, Understanding Comics. I personally have never read it, but i’m thinking about it. looks interesting anyway.

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