Thursday, January 9

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

Four months ago, I did not anticipate how much I would miss Jon when he moved to Texas to work on his masters. Although I knew that I would miss not having him around, I wasn’t expecting how much being alone in my apartment would sap me of my creative energy. When work got very quiet for about eight weeks, I became so frustrated that I started looking around at other job opportunities and thinking seriously about doing something, anything, to break the monotony. I even considered getting a dog. ;)I have neglected this website.I had, in fact, neglected all…

Lackadaisy Cool, well drawn images of anthropomorphic cats from the 20’s

Dept. of Popular Culture: Banksy Was Here An interesting look into the life of the Graffiti artist Bansky. Update: for more info on bansky, you can explore the Artsy page on Bansky

the evangelical outpost: The Global War Against Baby Girls “The widespread use of sonogram technology–coupled with liberal abortion laws–has made it possible for women to identify the sex of their child so that those without a Y chromosome can be killed before they’re even born.”

Rhesagirl – “He cheated death that day…” How very real. Though the last two lines confuse me a little.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always disliked the WordPress templating structures. I’ve had some spare time over the last few weeks, so I decided to take some templating code I had worked on previously and port it to php.phptemplate is a simple, fast and flexible templating system that can be used in any php application. It provides a fast way to build templated code, and offers a way to clearly separate code from content.PHPTemplate has three main main files:Parser.php : the parsers job is to parse a string and return a tree. It is a php class and…

The Big Picture | Cheap Gas “$21.19 for WATER – and the buyers don’t even know the source. No wonder Evian spelled backwards is Naive. Be glad your car doesn’t run on Scope, Whiteout, Pepto Bismal or Nyquil.”

How does one express, the depth of mercy and the breadth and width of His great love? For I have descended to such great heights of proud and selfish gain. And the weight of sin is a dark and lonely pain. Yet Christ above on God’s right hand intercedes for me… Oh, unexplainable grace, death on Calvary. mine is an undeserved and wasted life and yet I am redeemed.

Chris’s Invincible Super-Blog “Those are Chuck Norris Action Jeans, and just in case your mind can’t process it because you are too busy freaking out, they are pants specifically designed to be worn while you are kicking people in the face. And they retail for less than twenty dollars.”

I’ve been negligent in posting. I have a bunch of pengragon photos that I’ve held off posting because they aren’t particularly good (in the sense that they don’t stand really stand out from the ones that I’ve already posted). So I’m going to post them all today. ;)

First Passion: Poetry: The New Yorker How lovely, how melancholy, how melodic.

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