Thursday, March 6

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner – William Morrow, 2005 It’s the little things that make the difference. Who you are when no one is looking, is who you are when all eyes are on you.

David Schonauer’s Summer Reading List – PopPhoto – June 2006 “Photography is a matter of eyes, intuition, and intellect,” | Downtown A saint louisan photographer caputures downtown from the new Stadium at night.

66. My Lady’s Tears. Anonymous. The Oxford Book of English Verse In those fair eyes where all perfections keep. Her face was full of woe; But such a woe (believe me) as wins more hearts Than Mirth can do with her enticing parts.

Wired News: Laptops Give Hope to the Homeless “People believe that information is power, and it is sometimes, but it is still a complicated system,” Man, how true is that!

United Press International – NewsTrack – Digital camera blocking technology created It seems like there should be a pretty simple (relatively speaking) way to evade this.

Here is a list of the new features: Word Search: excluding a small list of very common words, you can now find references by search for key words. There is no implimentation for quotes or key words such as AND and OR. You can assume all words will use AND functionality. Much thanks go to Jeremy Wall for building the expat parser in perl to parse the bible and build the indexes I use for the word searches. I could have done it without him, but it would have been much more miserable for me, and my parser would have…

Megan: This summary of the five basic steps for making successful small talk might be helpful when planning the segment

The Rewards of Being Shy — Hochman 2006 (613): 3 — ScienceNOW I particularly liked the way they brought out the fact that often the reason why shy people have a hard time in situations is because they are dealing with information overload.

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