Friday, January 10

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

Shifting Ground in the Holy Land “If this corroborates exactly what is written in that part of the Bible, it means that probably other parts are historically correct. The impact is tremendous.”

Daily Walks | Diane Varner | Journey of Descent Really, all of her photographs have a nascent feel, as though you are witnessing something deeply organic. They feel both fresh and old at the same time.Note: Nascent (as defined by a dictionary) doesn’t really work here the way I wanted, but it was the only word that came to mind. The texture of the word seemed to fit the texture of the photographs, so I used it anyway. Hey, whadya gonna do?

Daily Walks | Diane Varner| A Slippery Grip Someday I’m going to get a good macro lens. So much of God’s creation is missed because its so small.

Orbit 1 For some reason, my eyes keep telling me that the back ground is swirling. John’s images always remind me of the movie The Sandlot, in that his daughters and his neighborhood and the way he takes pictures feels like 50 years ago.

Slashdot | Apple Dumps Most of Aperture Dev. Team Not a bad move on Apple’s part, seeing as how Adobe Lightroom got better reviews, and its still in Beta and Mac only. ;)

I was off in my own little world and didn’t realize that I had run out of photos in my queue, so um, I’ll get right on that. I have a few more Ireland photos yet to post and then back to more STL related imagery. This has been a test of the emergency broadcast sytem. no wait. this was no test. um. This has been an example of the emergency broadcast sytem. Thanks.

ProgrammableWeb: Mashups and the Web as Platform Keep track of all those apps that use the various api’s being propogated out there.

PushingPrimitives: It takes its toll Dark, in a “You’re going to hell” sorta way.

Vintage French Tourism PR photos – a photoset on Flickr “From 1934 towards the end of the sixties, the French Ministry for Tourism employed full-time PR photographers to snap “celebrities” travelling by Air France.”

c h r o m a s i a / 25 April, 2006 / the return of the king Up close and personal!

Point and Shoot Though I would never want to live in a country as poor as the one dipicted in this photograph, the artist in me is drawn to the poignancy so often found in such environments. || King James Bible with Strong’s Numbers and Cross References (AJAX Enabled) [beta] I’ve made some updates. I moved things around so Strongs Definitions are easier to read, and I fixed the bug where some words have multiple strongs numbers, in which case it now lists all the definitions.

Jacascript Tabs Fixes the tab behavior in textfields, so that the tab key doesn’t move you to the next form element, but creats 5 spaces instead.

Chuck Norris Facts “Chuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.”

Deodorants of my Life | archives | how now, brownpau? This is exactly what blogging is really all about. seriously.

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