Saturday, January 11

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

The Silent Penultimate Panel Watch He keeps an eye on great panels from comic strips. nice.

Grass Armchair Literally, a chair that grows out of the ground and can’t really be moved.

Touchstone Archives: The Baptist Headway "In other words, when confronted with a culture hostile to the biblical understanding of the good and the true, biblically orthodox Southern Baptists spoke reflexively from intuitions rooted in a biblically informed worldview and joined with those who thought similarly. They just didn’t know what else to say."and "…we must remember that Southern Baptist intuitionism relied on a theology of revelational authority and personal regeneration. This is why even the weakest of churches had members who could recognize the heresies of white supremacy and sexual libertarianism. They had a foundation of biblical content that warned…

gladwell dot com – troublemakers About the right kind of generalizations.

I remember reading Anil Dash’s article, Anil Dash: privacy through identity control many years ago. As a result, I purchased the,, and the .net and .org versions of Though I had other reasons, that article was influential in motivating me. In keeping with the idea that if you are going to have an online identity, I regularly register the walljm name on all the new services and major blog engines to prevent other people from preempting the name. If you search for Jason Wall on Google, the first site you’ll get is this one. The same goes…

jonstl’s Xanga Site – Superman Dies! Jon takes a look at superman’s history.

Davezilla: Clean humor, filthy comments >> If God used office supplies… Funny if a bit irreverent.

Workbench: RSS: I’d Rather Switch Than Fight RSS is dying, and may allready be dead. Long live Atom! (not that I know anything really about these sort of things…)

20,000 Microbes Under the Sea – – science news articles online technology magazine articles 20,000 Microbes Under the Sea The thing I learn from reading these science articles is that for all that we know, there a lot we really don’t know, and much of what we know now will be proven a mistake or misunderstandig later.

Snarkmarket: Why Noids Love the Internet A list of good articles written in 2004

Up With Grups – The Ascendant Breed of Grown-Ups Who Are Redefining Adulthood — New York Magazine

Social Design Notes: Geometry, 2 Innovative ways for people in 3rd world countries to transport water.

I’m a sucker for site stats. I love to know as much about who visits here and why, and how often. It feeds my ego, its true. :)First, for those who may be new, and there are a few of you, some history about The sites name is derived from my own name in the manner of the common network admin username system of taking the 5+2 last name, first and middle initial. Walljm was my username in college. The site was first conceived and put up in January of 2001, a mostly static site to showcase my photography.…

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