Saturday, January 11

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

v-2 Organisation | architecture urbanism | The dreams that things are made of The article has just the right sort of tone and mood that makes reading it fun even though I’m pretty sure I didn’t really understand half of it. ;)

The New Wisdom of the Web – Next Frontiers – "Why is everyone so happy in Silicon Valley again? A new wave of start-ups are cashing in on the next stage of the Internet. And this time, it’s all about … you."

Fishing boats in Ireland are called Hookers. In fact, later on I have a photo of one moored that was called the "Happy Hooker". This one was out for some reason while we were crossing Galway Bay on our way to the Aran Islands. 

The Surprising Truth About Ugly Websites Visual prettiness isn’t as important as you might think, functionality and simplicity are the rules of the day. – About GODMuzik "GODMuzik Ministries web-site will help guide you through your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. In this site you will learn more about what God says through his word. I will also touch on subjects that we face in our everyday lives. I have a desire to reach lost souls for Christ Jesus through the internet." (My Cousin James Rose) He is also a DJ working in the Saint Louis Metro area, and works for love offerings.

These towers have a name, but I forget what they’re called. They were used to watch the sea, and were built in defense of a potential invasion by Napoleon Bonaparte, who they thought might use Ireland as an invasion point for England. 

Wired 14.04: You Play World of Warcraft? You’re Hired! "The day may not be far off when companies receive resumes that include a line reading ‘level 60 tauren shaman in World of Warcraft.’"

jonstl’s Xanga Site – This one’s for my sisters, wandering the prairies of Canada My roomates blog, with photos from our recent trip to Ireland

Stand to Reason: The Magic Prayer A short essay on salvation and how we know we are saved, and the dangers of the "sinners prayer"

Slashdot | AjaxWrite to "Compete" with MS Word The comments are worth scanning, as there is some scathing criticism (I know, not uncommon for any article on slashdot) of the app. "The look, feel, and functionality of Microsoft Word, in a completely web-based AJAX platform."

3 a.m. from Kyoto – Photography by Stuart Lee – . The Wast Bank . I wish I could take photos like this…

LILEKS (James) :: the bleat This particular bleat, towards the very bottom, talks about firefly. The last two paragraphs are especially worth reading.

GrayBit v0.5 Beta: Grayscale Conversion Contrast Accessibility Tool – Main Page – Presented by GrayBit GrayBit is an online accessibility testing tool designed to visually convert a full-color web page into a grayscale rendition for the purpose of visually testing the page’s perceived contrast.

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