you transcribe a graceful arc with your wild colors and lazy form your speed and intensity is belied by the gentle curve of your board — 2/19/10 – 87
Author walljm
the drizzle of rain was heard outside my bedroom window soft water falling softly on the world heralding life and spring to follow — 2/21/10 – 89
a pale sky looms above your head cold winds blow against your face the silence of dreams echo loudly and doubt beats against your will yet you stand with your feet set and defiant you gaze into the deep to win or die, you set your jaw and give no ground to your fear — 2/20/10 – 88
the sun is shining and the air is wet, and the trees are awash in red and gold. birds are signing their autumn song, and the day stands frozen in time.
pause, listen to the quiet creep over the still and silent city streets hear the heavy hush fall on a worn and weary populace — 2/18/10 – 86
bittersweet the long goodbye the languid fare thee well hold on tight to fading love and let its beauty swell till love is lost and gone forever from your hearts empty shell — 2/17/10 – 85
the cold winter wind blew harsh and bitter through the empty city streets — 2/16/10 – 84
soft sunset light falling golden, a tree lined horizon dappled in colors pink, red and orange, till fading the sun falls beneath the distant curve of the earth and all is cloaked in gloaming.
your form is so supple it moves with a languid grace an arch, a spire, a cathedral in the spaces of my imagination and as it rises and falls with the gently pulsing rhythm and falling grace notes paint the sky a vibrant orange my heart swells deep till peace and joy mingle in the exultant ecstasy — 2/15/10 – Allelujah – 83
you manifest gently a persistent evidence in the character of life a pervading presence in the fabric of this existential existence — 2/14/10 – 82
your slender form expresses excitement joy and laughter to match your spirit in all its gay adventure — 2/13/10 – 81 #ruth
convivial gaiety and warm mirth pervade the room as soft and pleasing as the gentle glow of twinkle lights — 2/12/10 – 80
mystery is absent myth has lost itself imagination clamors and has lost its wealth all seems dim and faded till the sun drops neath the earth and all is bleak and blackness over all that is of worth — 2/11/10 – 79
soft breath sighing and a heavy soul breathe a deep breath and feel the cold — 2/10/10 – 78
the room was charged with the electric power of words spoken fervently — 2/9/10 – 77
soft light like snowflakes fell a quiet cover on silent streets cold air bringing winters chill to herald evenings winter flight — 2/8/10 – 76
what is this blood, why does it weep? cold tears falling on a hard ground and grief echoing the hollow sound til life forms from a shed tear and weeping drains your crushing fear and transformation makes all things new — Communion – 2/7/10 – 75 #favorite
the room was filled with theater the rise and rhythmic fall of voices echoing words and wise opinions on life’s vicissitudes and choices — Barber Shop – 2/6/10 – 74 #favorite
ah winter, my dear sullen mistress with your gray moods and windy days will you not look kindly on my face and listen softly of thy grace till all is well and you displace with love, if not warmth, the displeasure that you feel towards me? — 2/4/10 – 72 #favorite
your lithe form is a panoply of pleasures a cacophony that beats against my senses i stand before you overwhelmed by the fury that washes over and disarms my defenses — 2/3/10 – 71 #favorite