Wednesday, January 15

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

I paused in the room for a moment, taking in the scene. It was quiet, almost unearthly. The windows were open on the west wall, and the sun was streaming in, casting a warm glow in the sanctuary. The tall stone pillars that lined the wall giving the church an old feeling. I was tired… more tired than I had been in a long time. I didn’t really know why I had come, I had proved my inadequacy well enough in the past years… yet I kept coming back… Walking to the front of the sanctuary, I sat down on…

The first snow of the year found me in a quiet mood. Tired from so many different things, it has become more difficult to find inspiration for various creative endevours. Winter is here… a time to rest and let things lie fallow. Despair not though… I shall not cease to write… A new poem for your reading pleasure, The Christmas Season.

When skies are gray and evening falls And all around you winter calls Its time to rest and to retreat From the pace of the city street Take to your houses one and all Gather round with children small And share the warmth of winters love Wrapped in a blanket from above This is why I love Christmas day The gifts of joy and time to play And time to pause and to remember when Jesus came that cold December

I walk in lands of waking dreams Not all I see is what it seems A mystery was left unsolved Strange enigma to be resolved So I spend my slumbering hour Till the dawn a sunlit tower Across the dark gray ground will creep And wake me from my dream filled sleep

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