Sunday, March 16

Browsing: Poetry

Thus falls the evening dust To sparkle in the starlight Enchantment fills the very air Bound up in every dendrite Excitement racing through my flesh An arcane type of passion Deep within my soul is felt In mystifying fashion Abundant strands like silken thread Reflect the ghostly gloaming And fall like water down her back Dark as ink and soft as downing Probing eyes look out at me Beneath the thick black lashes The gaze a gently pressing force Felt on my racing senses Into the limpid pools I fell Such soft and dulcet beauty! With her forever I could…

The soft white winter approaches And sings me a lullaby The smooth sweet slumbering night A deep and darkening sky And dreams of future years to come Remind of the years gone by Changing seasons come to close A new beginning drawing nigh

(1) In the form of a man, a suffering lamb was born on a Christmas day (2) Wiser than scribes, He came to save lives He’s the Truth, and the Life, and the Way (3) We’d trespassed against, with grevious offence the Law that the Father had given (4) Yet God’s love was deep, and it caused Him to weep and to cry as the iron was driven (5) Could it be complete? This humbling feat displayed on a skull ridden rock? (6) Surounded by death, men of murder and theft died a scion of King David’s stock (7) Three…

Sun lit skies obscured by a dark and heavy vapor As rain falls in slow and viscous descent An uncommon emptiness hanging like a heavy fog Fatigue washing over me without consent

Once was a world that was void And dark were the waters therein Then Majesty moved on the deep And life in existence was spoken With care and for glory He fashioned Out of spirit, and body and soul Like Him a creature of sentience In fellowship with Him made whole But pride broke the bond He created And torn was the fellowship sweet Cursed was the life He intended For the man whose heart He made beat The creature no longer immortal For death by the curse on him fell Judgement for man’s pride had ruined Man’s Life and…

Oh Autumn, sweet mistress of the rain I feel thy gentle touch upon my face The delicate brush of wind, A lightly scented perfume On the fog that lies like a blanket on the trees Oh Autumn, bittersweet is thy name Bearing love I cannot satiate The promise of comfort within A golden arbor in a wooded glen Dark and rich with color in its olden age Oh Autumn, give to me thy rest as the setting sun falls below the earth I seek the solace of a quiet winter The warmth of a genial fire And the blessed comfort…

I found myself hurtling, rushing through airno ropes, no safety netI was falling, a heady rush of oxygenwith no impact, and no painI found myself doubting, walking on waterno floaties, no life preserverI was standing, staring deep into lovewithout sinking, and no fearI found myself walking, surrounded by lifeno certainties, no sure answersI was living, trusting the words spokenwithout failing, and no doubt—Note: Inspired by Aelki’s We serve a Wild and Unfettered God.

I saw the beaded pearl form On her melancholy face The drawn lines and trembling lip Poised with aching grace For a moment drawn with breath She held her shaky pose Emotion welling in her breast Filled with grief and sorrows I felt a heady longing To wipe away her tears To soothe the sad and sorrow And calm her whelming fears So I moved beside her trembling form Then smoothed her straying hair A kiss to give her comfort As I whispered I was there

I wonder when I see a smile fading deep into your eyes, What happenstance brings about that emotion, that response? It is sometimes bright and sudden, sometimes soft and subtle, But always rich in flavor, rich in texture and in essence. Is it the culmination of some hard won achievement? Perhaps the sudden reaping of some long sought after substance? Possibly it’s something simple but only just now noticed, Like the way a mother looks at the daughter that she kisses. Perhaps it’s something common, often shared and treasured, With family and with friends, in memories unending. Is it the…

On a balmy summer evnin I spent my time remembrin The times I spent a wilin’ The midnight hours away We’d speak until the mornin With fancy words a tellin ‘Bout things we were a dreamin Durin’ the course of day The heart would be a swellin With things we were remembrin Those touchin times relivin Caught up in the moments sway On them balmy summer evnin’s We’s spend the time remembrin The times we spent a wilin’ The midnight hours away.

The artist sees a world gone wrong Yet feels the chance of glory strong If all upon their bended knee Would seek Him with humility So the artist seeks to make A piece of artistry to take And offer for the public view A vision of what is made new His broken heart, made new by love By the shedding of his Savior’s blood Nailed upon a rough hewn tree Gaining freedom for you and me

Feather soft thy pillow make To cradle tender till you wake The gentle curve of thy sweet head And rest ye peaceful on thy bed And all thy dreams so gentle be Until the dawn will waken thee Thanks to Sarah for the last two lines.

In small moments I sit in my bedroom window Thinking about how the world is so small How in the matter of a single still moment The choice that you make could alter it all What if while praying in the garden that night Jesus had spoken My will and not Thine Had He refused to keep going without fight To die on the cross as our sacrifice Life is ordered by the small choices we make The simple things that we do every day Such choices determine the big steps we take So remember small moments in work and…

Give the moon my love, dear heart For daylight fades in yonder sea The amber glow of evenings light Speaks softly of my bed to me and then revised by another as… Daylight fades in yonder sea The amber glow of evening’s light Speaks softly of my bed to me And beckons lo to morning bright

I saw a great white mountainIt stood still and forlornCast upon a lonely landA face in stolid formI went to see that mountainI thought it called to meA voice raw with emotionIt called with urgencyYou I’ll give adventureUpon my rocky cleftGreat and wild to beholdUpon the mountain deftI ranged upon that mountainI felt its every poreI stood upon its high peakI saw the eagle soarI met strange and wondrous peoplesTough and hard as the stoneI met strange and beautiful creaturesWhere the high wind has blownNow live I with the mountainI hear his voiceless cryI’ll hear that call all my daysUntil…

In the early morning sunrise Glories seep across the sky Brilliant burning raging color Set alight the clouds so high Slowly dawn makes known her presence Light azure in lonely streaks Branching out from lofty heaven Chasing stars by mountain peaks See the dawn in all its glory God of wonder spoken true The very wealth of this His heaven Give the glory that He’s due

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