new york, new york, oh city teaming with life and lands and cultures dreaming of new horizons opened wide like lady liberty and the morning tide — 2003 (possibly march)

new york, new york, oh city teaming with life and lands and cultures dreaming of new horizons opened wide like lady liberty and the morning tide — 2003 (possibly march)
beneath a stretching violet sky the setting sun brings evening nigh the clouds burnt orange in crimson fashion set fire the heavens and the passion inside me as i awestruck behold the flaming majesty pictured bold and humbled i fall on my knees so still and silent neath the trees for words cannot express the glory that i see in this evenings story — 4/1/2003
little gems exploding and the tears drifted down like the strands of a weeping willow in the mid summer sun — snippet – 7/5/2003
your presence is intoxicating a heady wine that saturates and sets my senses alive with dreams — 3/23/10 – 122
feel the morning sun shining and the clear breath of spring the soft and sweet reminder of new life and beginning — 3/23/10 – 121
the gentle touch of the morning sun was a caress sweet after the winter i paused to feel the seeping warmth as it permeated my skin and eyes — 3/23/10 – 120
pleasure and pain and loved ones form the fabric of of life and living — 3/21/10 – 118
how do i resolve the creeping tension, the knot of pain, the sweet agony residing in my heart? i can feel its emotion welling in my throat the fear and hope and beginning throes of love — 3/20/10 – 117
i would know your grace and beg of thee thy sufferance for my aching soul — 3/19/10 – 116
your golden brilliance floods the sky with light a cacophony of photonic hues and the warmth that they convey is a balm to the aching soul that yearns for spring — 3/18/10 – 115
the music had a comfortable character fumbling off the bright brass strings and spilling into the convivial crowd a sea of comfortable chatter that filled the warm and wood paneled room — 3/17/10 – 114 #favorite
the penny whistled played a mournful tune as the voice sang a melancholy song … — 3/17/10 – 113
black blots on fibre convey a plenitude of rich meaning — 3/16/10 – 112
heartbeats and breathing with ears ringing in the quiet a soul searching the deep for a morsel of meaning till some beauty is found and the heart becomes calm while you drift into dreaming — 3/16/17 – 111 #favorite
i felt the chill and watched the gentle rainfall and longed for the full fruition of spring … — 3/14/10 – 110
feel the beat, rapid, insistent your heart pounding as you run feel the burn, heady and rich of consuming oxygen inside your lungs — 3/13/10 – 109
why the disquiet soul my brother, what is the source of your sullen unease? why do you yearn and groan my brother, what will bring you comfort and peace? — 3/12/10 – 108
i would lose myself in your gothic spires in the mystery of your towering awe down to the foundations laid in stone that delve and dwell deep in the darkness that is not dark but rich as dark soil from whom all the fullness of glory is and springs forth in days ordained — 3/11/10 – 107 #favorite
your lips are apple sweet, rich and red and curved your locks like golden strands, catch the sun at midday and your smile is a vision to produce rapture in the soul of all who can’t help but love you — Lux – 3/10/10 – 106
your words cut deep into the living soul til the heart is rent and the truth is full — 3/9/10 – 105