Friday, March 14

Browsing: Poetry

i took a star from heaven i plucked it from it’s celestial field and carried it in my pocket from land to foreign land til i found a shining angel worthy of its gleaming light then i took her to my home and at my hearth she shone and wandered i the earth no more — 3/5/10 – 101

its a golden hour, a flitting flower and it blooms in the morning light then takes off on a merry flight til landing softly on the heather it makes a song of the fine fine weather and laughs for joy and merry fun and lifts its head to see the sun — 3/2/10 – 98 #favorite

its piercing, this silent sound this empty ringing left behind by the absence of bustle from a busy day. it is the echo of life, a cherished hollow a form made of the memories not to be lingered on for long lest the life that made them fade and you forget their purpose. — 3/1/10 – 97 #favorite

my lady, the golden radiance of a thousand rising suns can not eclipse the beauty i see in thy lovely face. — (snippet)

taciturn eyes look across windswept plains as pale light falls on jagged hill and steppe the last rays of a setting sun sink deep into warm earth and leathered skin — 2/23/10 – 91 – Mongol

you twine sluggishly round the landscape
a muddy brown wash among the fertile land
untamed and mighty among your brethren
you assert dominance and lethargy out of hand

you transcribe a graceful arc with your wild colors and lazy form your speed and intensity is belied by the gentle curve of your board — 2/19/10 – 87

a pale sky looms above your head cold winds blow against your face the silence of dreams echo loudly and doubt beats against your will yet you stand with your feet set and defiant you gaze into the deep to win or die, you set your jaw and give no ground to your fear — 2/20/10 – 88

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