the faded visages are paper memories taken long ago and sealed in time my heritage, pasted in spiral bound books are histories remembered by an aging few — 1/30/10 – 66 #favorite

the faded visages are paper memories taken long ago and sealed in time my heritage, pasted in spiral bound books are histories remembered by an aging few — 1/30/10 – 66 #favorite
your gaiety is a balm to a weary soul your laughter a sweet surcease to the turmoil made strong by heartbreak and care unrequited, unfulfilled until you bloomed in my life — 1/29/10 – 65
you project a messy aloofness red hair bunched and hanging in strands around your face — 1/28/10 – 64
your royal blue hoodie betrayed the irish charm in the gleam of your eyes — 1/28/10 – 63
i dream a golden city splayed out in splendored array shining, churning breathing living — 1/27/10 – 62
fluid and grace express poetry in motion while the musics dance to a rolling rhythm and your voices rise to meet the emotion expressed in the falling meter and rhyme — 1/26/10 – 61 #favorite — (inspired by Lifehouse’s Learn You Inside Out)
his voluble presence was an affront to the morning an unwelcome breaking to the gentle rumbling of the gentle murmur of the train — 1/25/10 – 59 #favorite
whither goest thou little bird? for whom dost thou sing? what love hast compelled thee this melody to bring? art thou sent by some lover his beloved to woo? by thy sweet serenade his desire to pursue? i pray this is so, little bird, it puts hope in my heart to think love is the motive for thy beauty and art. –1/24/10 – 58
listen to the gentle hush as voices echo in the chamber the pleasant audience a curious crowd observing the sounds of silence — 1/23/10 – 57
i hear melodic phrases in the chambers of my mind they beckon me, enticing with words that shape, bend, and fashion bold and insightful pieces that reveal and illuminate the best things — 1/22/10 – 56 #favorite
you titillate with your words graphic images conjuring exotic lands foreign and benign and simple things revealed by choice morsels picked with careful and judicious precision. — 1/21/10 – 55
i stepped outside myself and a facade lifted for a moment as though i was someone else as though i was a compartment in my own mind. — 1/20/10 – 54
precisely timed pressure changes convey melodies among the charged neurons building pictures, shaping emotions, evoking memories coloring the who, the what, and the story of life and self and past remembrance. — Soundtrack – 1/19/10 – 53
you were striking with your jet black hair the gloves you wore had snowflakes expressed in knit and for a brief moment you captured my imagination — 1/19/10 – 52
your ferrous wit is sharp its sometimes jagged edge rips through the flesh of my temperament leaving me bloody and bruised — 1/18/10 – 51
who are you? with your fey spirit tossing about whimsy with reckless abandon. why do you dance? unbridled and passionate your infectious grin a viral vector spreading mirth and convivial gaiety reveal yourself oh laughing sprite oh merry shade oh mysterious shadow for i would know your name. — 1/17/10 – 50
you make the city vague with your wispy shroud the soft outlines fading into the grey backdrop while disembodied lights dance in the distance. — 1/16/10 – 49
the balmy touch of your wispy fingers leaves the surface of my skin cold but my heart beats warm for thought of fog and a city shrouded and old the first breath of spring comes early though but a taste of things to come and come too soon to be trusted surely still i smile to see the summers sun — 1/15/10 – 48
you make violence an art graphic bloodletting paused and in slow motion. the clamour and rush of wild noise and a cheering crowd serve to excite passion and mad rage. — Spartacus – 1/14/10 – 47 #favorite
your deep redness is a balm to soothe sore eyes vermilion and scarlet hues dance with wild abandon in the recesses while crimson light splay across this painted canvas until your majestic being sinks beneath the rippled line and all is darkness — 1/13/10 – 46 #favorite