heal me father, for i suffer i am in sore distress lay your cooling touch upon my troubled brow bestow peace unsurpassing upon the turmoil of my heart — 4/10/10 – 143
Browsing: prayer
Free Verse
Prayer in Distress

Girl Praying, Calvary Cemetery, Saint Louis, MO
This photo was somewhat desaturated in post.
A Prayer Request.
Megan and Allen are good friends of mine. Megan’s mother is currently fighting leukemia, and the prognosis doesn’t look good. We would all appreciate your prayers for Mrs. Bounds and the family.
An Evening Prayer
Peaceful dreams and thoughtful streams of lilting water pure Drifting oer the soft green moor in sweetest songs of yore Wishing best and healing rest to thee of friendship fast To wake the day with voices gay upon the green green grass