your dark corridors are pregnant with silence footsteps sounding, echoing in your chambers foreigners and transients shuffling soundlessly a staggered measure of humanities members — 2/2/10 – 70 #favorite
Browsing: sound
Free Verse
Your Dark Corridors
Falling Meter and Rhyme
fluid and grace express poetry in motion while the musics dance to a rolling rhythm and your voices rise to meet the emotion expressed in the falling meter and rhyme — 1/26/10 – 61 #favorite — (inspired by Lifehouse’s Learn You Inside Out)
Free Verse
An Affront to the Morning
his voluble presence was an affront to the morning an unwelcome breaking to the gentle rumbling of the gentle murmur of the train — 1/25/10 – 59 #favorite
Free Verse
Aural Shapes
feel the aural shapes, soft and feathery light, sometimes sharp or hard like steel granite forms expressed on your tongue tasted like things grown from the earth. felt on your skin and in your spine, goosebumps and a flood of tears or a sudden intake of breath. — 12/11/09 -…