Thursday, February 6

For some reason, this bothers me. I think a good reason why is illustrated here

Etymology of the word “church”: Middle English “chirche”, from Old English “cirice”, ultimately from Late Greek “kyriakon”, from Greek, neuter of “kyriakos”: of the lord, from kyrios lord, master.

This is very interesting. According to one dictionary’s etymology of the English word “church”, it originated from a Greek word meaning “of the Lord”.

The Greek word ekklesia, which is translated church, is a combination of the Greek word kaleo (which means to call) and ek, a preposition meaning out or out of. Therefore, ekklesia is properly translated as “called out ones”.

So, while the common contemporary understanding of the word “church” is focusing upon a gathering, the actual meaning of the word is on our status as followers of Jesus. Within the context of His teachings that we are to be “in the world”, but not “of the world”, and that we are to hate our life “in this world”, the application of being “the called out ones” is appropriate. The common usage which empowers the system of churchianity is not an appropriate interpretation of “ekklesia”. For, the focus is not on the group, nor on the gathering of the group, but upon our status as belonging to the Lord and being called out of worldliness and self life. (italics mine)

Being a part of God’s church means that we are a “holy nation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people”. It means that we as saints of God should “come out from among them and be seperate”. We are more than just a community of faith, we are the family of God.


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