Tuesday, October 22

Grace Revisited


How blithely we walk into sins evil door
Not heeding wise council, thinking it poor
Considering not the destruction we cause
To those whom we touch with sins awful claws

Oh horrible wretched man that I am
Deserving of death and hells fiery span
Casting my gift so precious and bought
With grieving on Calvary’s hill it was sought

Yet still His love comes without ceasing
Washing me clean, my troubled soul easing
Why I know not, for at times I resist it
But ever it comes, I can not escape it

Thus I am born a new man before Him
A new heart so grateful for His pure redemption
And I implore my weak soul to remember
My Christ and my King, My church all so tender

Give heed to the wise and to their sure council
Resist sin and pride and the cunning fell Devil
And walk in the victory that Christ has given
By death on the cross and His great resurrection


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