Wednesday, February 12

Utter Dependance on God


In the silent stillness lay
A broken man devoid of life
Existence lived on weary roads
Running from the constant strife
And emptiness of sin

Yet amongst the cold dark ash
There a gift, a spark is given
Hope springs fresh from Holy Hands
Pierced by nail, whose side was riven
By a cruel Roman spear

   Rise up Oh Man in gratitude
   Live thy life with Fortitude
   Love the man who bore thy cross
   And turned to silver life from dross

In the silent stillness lay
The peace of God in humble hearts
Dependant on a God of love
We cry with joy, "How Great Thou Art"
Oh precious God and King

Life afresh to live in peace
To fellowship with brethren
Let us worship now the King
Let praises rise into heaven
Where Jesus sits on high

   Rise up Oh Man in gratitude
   Live thy life with Fortitude
   Love the man who bore thy cross
   And turned to silver life from dross


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