Thursday, February 6

Life happens in waves, or at least big things occur in that fashion. You might be walking through life, wondering when things will happen. You may not be able to see into the future and concieve of what you dream coming true. Yet if you remain faithful to the little things, being diligent with God’s commands as you know them now, the waves will come.

It has been my experience that things happen in waves. They don’t come a little bit at a time, making things easy to handle. No, they come all at once, when things are ripe. And you know why this is better than the other way? Because people rarely do because they can. No, they usually do when they have to. God knows this… so He plans things to happen that way. Oh, He’s careful to make sure that we can handle it, but He makes sure to make it hard enough to stretch us in the process.

I’ve been extremely blessed in my life. I have far more than I deserve. The quality of my friends, my job, my parents, and my relationship with God are far better than I should have, considering what I have done to gain them, and I am profoundly grateful.



  1. I read this with different eyes now.

    The waves are flooding everything…but you said He’s careful to make sure that we can handle it, but He makes sure to make it hard enough to stretch us in the process.

  2. God’s to merciful to let us flounder… but like any good parent, He wants us to grow, and He knows that we won’t unless we are forced to.