Wednesday, February 12

Greetings fellow poets… I have a proposal. I want to publish a pdf mini book of poetry, to be released online at Here are the details. I need 10 volunteers who would submit two poems apiece. The topic is "Time". There are no limits as to how you tie your poem to the topic. I’d prefer the poems not to be epic in length, as it would make formatting and illustrating difficult. I will announce a deadline after I the final poet signs up. I will be illustrating the book photographically if possible. Please sign up via the comments below, by giving me your contact info (preferably an email addresss), and a short reason why you want to participate. I will pick 10 poets from the list, and notify you. Thanks!



  1. What are the rules besides topic if you give a number of words and a perfered style i am down… time is one of my favorite subjects

  2. No rules as far as word count goes. I’d prefer it not be really huge, as it wouldn’t really fit among the rest of the poems. Just so long as the poem relates to time in some sort or another, that’s all i’m lookin for.

  3. I’m in. My reason? Well, I like to write poetry and I will feel left out if you don’t pick me to be in the project. I’ll cry and fuss and then blackmail you. I’ll also call you at midnight and annoy you- oh wait, that wouldn’t bother you because you are always out that late…roaming the streets doing who knows what. And you never remember to tell your poor roommate that you’ve got plans.

    Seriously- I want to do it because I know it will be classy. And I’m all about class. ;-)

  4. I’ll give it a go, as well, assuming that there are still spots left. Time has been on my mind a lot, lately, so I think I could pull out a couple of verses about it.

  5. Jason, I’d love to join this project if you still have an opening. It sounds like fun, and I need something to draw me out of my poetry dry spell. ;)

  6. I’m throwing my hat in too… It’s the perfect opportunity to start writing again, and winter is a great season for reflection.

  7. Is it too late to say yes?

    I’d like to participate because I believe that good art is often bred from within community. I also would like something to spark motivation from me in my season of writer’s block. The idea itself has encouraged me thus far.

    Thank you.