Saturday, July 27

This is a Design in Progress

Well, as you can see it looks different around here. For now, only the front page has the new look. I’ll be converting older pages as I can get to them. Comments and/or suggestions are welcome. Tell me what you like and what you don’t like.



  1. (1) Shouldn’t the “P” in poetry in the top menu be bold instead of the “o”?

    (2) The word “Trackbacks” in each entry is misspelled.

    (3) Your link images over on the left side there should probably just be right next to each other, not spaced out like that.

    (4) You should make a new pseudo-class in your css to allow for link images, so you don’t get the awkward dashed underline on linked images – I always think that looks a little tacky, though I know it’s a result of the “a” class in the page’s css.

    (5) Put spaces between the year/month on your archive links – it’d just look more natural that way.

    (6) Try to avoid using Verdana that appears larger than 10 pt, as it looks kinda overly round and…just not great.

    (7) Also, try to avoid vertical dashed/dotted lines for sections, as they don’t render well in a lot of browsers. It’s cool to use ’em, as that’s a fairly new trick to a lot of people, but they just don’t come out well. Horizontal dashed/dotted lines generally come out okay, though.

    (8) Perhaps try bold Verdana rather than bold Georgia for the headers in the gray boxes on the left, as it renders more smoothly in most cases than Georgia, which always ends up looking like cracking clay wherever letters curve or bend.

    I like your layout, though, in general – you asked for feedback, though!

  2. I used "o" in Poetry because the "P" was taken by Photography. The Bold letter indicates the accesskey letter used to hit that link.