Wednesday, February 12

Gargoyle, Union Blvd and Waterman Blvd, St Louis, MO, 63108


My deepest apologies for letting the posts fall off the page. For the next indeterminable period of time I will be posting Black and White photographs of Saint Louis City. My goal is to capture, over the course of two or three years, the feel and nature of the city.

I will also be posting the address for each photograph as closely as possible. My hope is to be able to eventually map the photographs spatially using Oh, and due to an error in judgement and scripting, the first 20 or so photos do not have EXIF data to publish. I am going to try and find some older versions to restore some of that, but no promises.

My first photograph is of a gargoyle just off Union and Waterman not far from where I live.

Union Blvd and Waterman Blvd, St Louis, MO, 63108 


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