Wednesday, February 12

Dr. Guimon Needs Your Prayers


For those of you who know Dr. Guimon and aren’t aware of the current situation, I thought a brief post here might help to spread the word that he needs prayer.

Several weeks ago he had valve replacement surgery to correct a heart problem sustained during cancer treatements when he was a teenager. The sugery was a success, but during his recovery he began having problems with his kidneys and lungs.

As of today what I know is that he has pneumonia in both lungs, and has contracted Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) which is a very serious problem in the lungs, having to do with air sacs becoming more rigid and fluid building up.

Last night his heart stopped twice for reasons unknown to the dr’s. Right now he is on dialysis. His kidneys are working but no where near what they need to be doing. The hope is that giving him the dialysis several times over the next days will help cleanse his body enough for them to see marked improvement in his health.

Dr. Guimon indicated yesterday that he believes he will live through this, and that he is in God’s will, but he needs your prayers and God’s working on his behalf to see this through.

For those of you who do not know Dr. Guimon, he is the missionary I visited in Uganda earlier this year and also 3 years ago. Dr. Guimon has been building an orphanage and a church in Soroti for the last several years. I’ve known Dr. Guimon for almost ten years. He was a professor at my college when I first attended, and is a member of my church.

Best Regards, 

Update: I recieved news at 11:30pm that Dr. Guimon passed away a few hours ago. Your prayers for his family, especially his wife Debbie and son Matthew are coveted.


1 Comment

  1. Gerald McCollum on

    I am saddened by this news. I just learned yesterday, through a mutual friend, of his passing. I have been scouring(sp?) the web since trying to find out what happened. I have known Kyle and Debbie (before they were married) from our college days, back in the 1980’s. He and I and a group of others did many things together. I remember him telling me about the radiation that he had to have for his cancer that he had when he was a teenager. I was wondering if that had anything to do with this.
    When I first heard about his passing, I felt stunned and while I was at work, I sat in my office chair motionless, for a time.
    I want to pass along my deepest sympathies to Debbie and their son. If possible, I would like to contact Debbie, via email or by letter.
    Thank you.

    Fayetteville, AR