Wednesday, February 12

With a Word


She was lost, and the pain in her heart
Was far more than she could bear
Alone in the garden, it tore her apart
Till she heard Him speak her name

   Then hope dawned, and night broke
   And joy swelled in her soul
   She saw her Saviour standing there
   With a word He made her whole

I was scared, with no hope of salvation
Crying out in guilt and shame
So deep was the depth of dejection
Till I heard Him speak my name

   Then hope dawned, and night broke
   And joy swelled in my soul
   I saw my Saviour standing there
   With a word He made me whole

I am saved, and have joy and sweet succor
Beside me throughout each day
I take courage and know His good pleasure
When I hear Him speak my name

   When hope dawns, and night breaks
   And joy swells in my soul
   I see my Saviour standing there
   With a word He makes me whole 



  1. Now, Jason, you know we’ve been through the whole poestry good or bad thing before, but…… this is awesome. (don’t tell anyone, but I think I am starting to appreciate poetry a little bit). What a great way of communicating the hope that Jesus gives.

  2. Harrison said: I think I am starting to appreciate poetry a little bit

    And I wonder why that would be, Harrison…. Hmmm!?!!?!?

  3. ^_^ There’s really not much to say.. the poem says it all. You should put it to music.

  4. I have always wondered and tryed to put myself in Mary’s place that day. Here you are crying because your best friend is dead and then think you hear him say your name and it is really him.

    What a wonderful way of depicting that story in the Bible. I just like it that you added that He calls my name too.