Tuesday, October 22

Winter Is Indeed a Harsh Mistress


Well, I’m well and truly tired of driving now. I covered about 2000+ miles between Sat and Mon. The trip down to Dallas with Jon was pretty crazy, occasionally harrowing and for the most part very very long. ;)

But I’m home now, and I’m in need of a roommate. Applicants can contact me via email. ;)

Jon is unpacked and ready to start the spring semester at the University of Dallas. I have the whole apartment to myself. I think I shall throw a party, so expect invitations in the mail sometime soon.

Addendum: Because it sounds confusing on a second reading, I’m not throwing the party cause Jon is gone and I’m happy about it, but because the apartment feels so empty with him not there that I feel compelled to come up with ways to fill it up.



  1. I’ll expect one as well. And, to save you the post, yes, I will come. Make it a LAN party. ;-)