Wednesday, January 15

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

I’ve been blogged! Over at I personally don’t know these people, but i’m always grateful for the publicity. Thanks…

Jon, from over at notes that from what he has heard, Israel treated just about everybody poorly when they first occupied the land, from Palestinians to Eastern Orthodox types. The Palestinians decided that they not only wanted equal treatment, but wanted to wipe out the Jews to get the land back, too. So, the Jews are not blameless, but the Palestinians have definitely gone too far in their efforts to get rid of them. Does either group “deserve” the land? Both groups have a claim to it — the Palestinians had been there for a long time, and the…

People keep asking me what I think about the continued escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I wish I knew. I tend to side with Israel, because of the Biblical promises and teaching on the subject. Yet there are many things unclear in my mind concerning that issue. To many questions are yet unanswered, and to many fact are left unrevealed. A situation as complex and drawn out over many thousands of years of history, can not be reduced to a statement spoken in a few minutes. Do you have an opinion? Or perhaps a few facts that…

Hmm… the animal rights activists are such a funny group. Here they are complaining that the poor cow is being demeaned. ???????

Yesterday, my church all got to gether to go bowling and then went to Pizza Hut afterwards. The child’s menu suggested we write a poem using the given words. Mine was a Haiku. here it is for your reading pleasure: Mom, Dad, Me hungry Pepperoni, sausage, cheese, It is hot pizza

How many of you out there know about SVG? Scalable Vector Graphics is a standard published by the W3C, and has much potential for some very cool applications. It is an XML based markup language used to define vector graphics, and can be manipulated to do things very similar to what Macromedia Flash can do. Interesting…

Looks like we will be riding an elevator to space in a few years… All I can say is… what kind of music will that engender?

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