Thursday, March 6

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

Christians suffer. We should pray for our brethren, more so even because they face hardships that we will probably never see. Yet we can rejoice, for their reward will be great! :: link via HucksWorld.

Dear Mr Frum, Loved your article. It shed a bit of light on some things I had no idea even existed. It makes me proud to be an American. Update: link via Sarah

Once upon a morning sunrise I saw a fairy princess The sight was like a fair vision And then I heard the sweet heart cries Of a gorgeous symphony The music played on my heart strings Both full of joy and sorrow It was then I loved with my all The fairy girl with silken wings Upon that sunlit morning

It seems as though archeological evidence has been found for the existence of Jesus Christ. An ossuary, a stone box that holds the remains of someone after death, was found with the enscription, ‘James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus’. The ossuary was dated to the same time period that James, leader of the Jeruselem church, died. This find has some small importance in that if true, it clears up a matter of difference between protestant and catholic doctrine. The Catholic church teaches the perpetual virginity of Mary, and claims that when the Bible refers to James as the brother…

Sometimes I just feel old, in the manner of one who has just begun to accrue enough memories to enjoy looking back on them. I have recently found myself thinking about my history, the things that I loved most. It gave me pause yesterday, when I remembered a day some years ago, perhaps three or four, when on a wednesday evening I went to the prayer meeting we have at our church each week. Walking in the door, Jonanna, two years old at the time, ran up to me and jumped into my arms. She paused and just looked at…

New poem, When Upon Life Dreary. Inspired by Psalm 16:9 and Zephaniah 3:17 and a good friend.

When upon life dreary comes Look toward the gladdening hand Joy stemmeth from the mercy seat It cometh from the Son’s own land His delight in you will bring The comfort of His sweet refrain Until the end of time is nigh His presence with thee will remain I will joy in Thee whose might My worthless life has sought to save I’ll quit myself within Thy love And to Thy will become a slave

And the debate continues over at Rhesa’s Tag Board. Urquhart has responded to my argument. how fun… update: I just want to make clear why I wrote my post. It seems that I was missunderstood. Buffy is a side issue here, the real issue is the integrity of Christians. The philosophy that Buffy conveys is antithetical to the philosophy taught in scripture. If a christian attempts to defend Buffy, he puts himself at odds with his beliefs.

In a recent post to the tag-board on creative slips, Urquhart defends Rhesa in her position that Buffy is a decent show to watch. The post,posted on 10.16.02 and prompted by a Christianity Today article, notes that Rhesa doesn’t consider the show all that bad and thus defends her position that watching it isn’t really wrong. The article by Christianity Today takes the same position, pointing out the relevant subject matter and good writing of the show, and the overall decent moral themes presented. All that said, here are my objections. To properly understand my objection to the position that…

A big thanks goes out to the staff at Busch Stadium who graciously helped me with the Chasing Hats Photo Essay. The young lady, Jenny I think her name was, escorted me about the stadium while I took pictures of the hat.

My neice Amie is five years old today. Happy Birthday Amie! God made you wonderful. I wrote you a poem to commemorate. Birthday Fun! Birthday wishes and Birthday fun Friends and family and time to run And play all day till mommy makes Your Birthday food and Birthday cakes

I think we should all harrass paul a little bit… cause he doesn’t update his blog very often. *grin*

As I mentioned earlier, this last weekend I went to a conference in Lincoln IL. The theme of the conference was, ‘Lest We Forget’. There were several presentations given in respect for our military and those men and women who have through the years been hero’s of our faith. The speaker, Dr. David Gibbs spoke to us during three messages. The first message spoke to me most, and here are my notes from that evening. Message One: Psalm 1 A blessed man does three things, He walks not after the council of the ungodly. This ungodly council is anything that…

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