Saturday, December 21

Browsing: Free Verse

How does one express, the depth of mercy and the breadth and width of His great love? For I have descended to such great heights of proud and selfish gain. And the weight of sin is a dark and lonely pain. Yet Christ above on God’s right hand intercedes for me… Oh, unexplainable grace, death on Calvary. mine is an undeserved and wasted life and yet I am redeemed.

flee the oppressive warmth of yellow hot and close, a room full of ichor bright lights, harsh, glaring down and ease into twilight. close your eyes in the half light a cool expanse, an oasis of calm and feel the murmur of solitude alone in a quiet room.

day suffers day, and emptiness a pervasive feeling in the back of the soul and frustration, crying out, but not completely, to proud to let go of ruined things familiar self suffers self, and resignation a comfortable pain that is perversely loved defying logic to pour energy into an object long dead to vain to give up hopes of a selfish triumph love suffers love, and endless hoping a faithful prompting in the depths of the heart telling you to let go of sins long held private to kind to cease from calling you home

She was lost, and the pain in her heart Was far more than she could bear Alone in the garden, it tore her apart Till she heard Him speak her name Then hope dawned, and night broke And joy swelled in her soul She saw her Saviour standing there With a word He made her whole I was scared, with no hope of salvation Crying out in guilt and shame So deep was the depth of dejection Till I heard Him speak my name Then hope dawned, and night broke And joy swelled in my soul I saw my Saviour…

Prone to doubting, Father of power I lack the faith to trust Thy word To take the step that means redemption Accepting love, You as my Lord Prone to fearing, Father almighty I lack the courage I need today To live the life Your love demands me Love expressing, Thy will, Thy way Prone to stumbling, Father of mercy I lack humility to take your love To accept forgiveness, all my sinning Thy love astounding, covering all

I found myself hurtling, rushing through airno ropes, no safety netI was falling, a heady rush of oxygenwith no impact, and no painI found myself doubting, walking on waterno floaties, no life preserverI was standing, staring deep into lovewithout sinking, and no fearI found myself walking, surrounded by lifeno certainties, no sure answersI was living, trusting the words spokenwithout failing, and no doubt—Note: Inspired by Aelki’s We serve a Wild and Unfettered God.

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