Tuesday, March 18

Browsing: Poetry

hydrogen and oxygen joined by covalent bonds disseminate in languid trails embracing the wide sky curling in vacuous rings glowing amber and vermilion against a blood red sun until the arid waste of winter’s breath robs its soul of being — 1/12/10 – 45 #favorite

your delicate softness masks the bitter wind and amber glows on your icy countenance the frigid fingers of your caress warms me as i dwell on the beauty of your substance i see the night fall on the driven visage of your bleak and lonely midwinter landscape and the beauty of the stillness i behold gives me hope that i too might find escape for this world sometimes overwhelms me with the constant struggle to get somewhere and i get lost in the chaos of its institutions feeling lost, alone and without the will to care but moments like these…

elation rises strong in this melancholy heart nerves vibrate, attention hums, energy pours out of every pore the world lies open before me ready to be conquered for i am invincible and nothing is beyond my grasp — on caffeine – 1/10/10 – 43

hear the echoing waves returning from their journey beckoning silence for this empty room is a sanctuary a temple, a tomb where thoughts quiet and calm reigns like heaven on earth. — 1/9/10 – 42

in the mountains of the winter wind where the white wolves run and bit frost covers the rocky crag you can hear the distant drum its the call, my brother calling for the brave answer the call, my brother for the world to save –1/8/10 – 41

who will you be, oh man? with your time and talents? what will you do, oh man? with what you’ve been granted? where will you go, my brother? with resources you’ve been given? why do you stumble, my brother? with the path that you have chosen? time, the dance with a slow death. the fight, the struggle, the question and possibility splayed out before you so answer, oh man by action, by deed, by life the riddle of your existence. — 1/7/10 – 40

go my brother, where the wind blows to dance on the prairie steppes and feel the wind whip across the frosted tundra see my brother, the jungle steam rise through the terraced trees and watch the desert sand dance across the dulcet dunes feel my brother, the soft touch of your lovers kiss brush your lips and the sudden ache of desire as she pulls you deep touch my brother, the hand of God as you glimpse the divine mystery and bow down your head in humble genuflection for this is life, and wind is free and all of nature…

i still miss you. memories held tightly are a bit of a surprise. i’m glad in a way, the pain forms an impression like the hollow of a mold. the memory is better than the nothing i would feel had we never met. — 1/5/10 – 36 #favorite

feel warmth glowing neurons firing in pleasant patterns feel silence resting no need for hurry or incessant seeking enjoy the moment contentment resting enlightened, here — 1/4/10 – 35

what flies against the distant lee in the meadow by the bay who waits beyond the great oak tree with hair like fire and eyes dark grey smell the evening fresh like clover sitting in the woodland shadow whispery kisses in your bower your laugh peals out like a flower — 1/2/10 – 33

feel the vacuous void the eternal deep the vast empty spaces that lie between. is it life, an emotion, or just the great expanses that lie between the planets? — 1/1/10 – 32

Her: Everything is still this morning. The cloudy, after-rain sky holds in the moisture & silence like a giant greenhouse :) Me: mmm… that almost sounds like a haiku. :) Me: the cloudy, after rain sky // holds moisture and silence // in the still morning Her: Lol :) didn’t really think abt that :) I love the spicy smell of wooded areas after rain, esp. as the sun comes out & turns the heat on :) Me: yeah. :) its been raining a lot here the last few days. the combination of the smell of rain and the smell of the grill last…

the long curve of your supple frame bends like a reed in the summer breezes your iridescent amber eyes like saucers flecked with dark speckles of golden brown. the ache i feel as i watch you move rushes over my spine in slow seizures this moment in time blooming like the flowers woven in the wild braids of your hair. — Na’vi – 12/29/09 – 29

abba, abba, you who are in heaven a god magnificent and glorious ethereal and heart stoppingly real yet you nurture me and nourish me though you hold the earth in your hands hands powerful and fiercely gentle oh abba, abba, my father — 8/13/2012 – abba, abba – 191

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