Browsing: abortion


Washington Times – EDITORIAL: Obama’s abortion war “Only three days into a new administration, the president of “hope” and “change” revealed that, in this enormous matter at least, he will not be a new leader who will work towards a kinder, gentler, more unified America. Instead he is immediately exacerbating…

Presidential Memorandum: the Mexico City Policy

Mexico City Policy – Voluntary Population Planning What it does: "The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151b(f)(1)), prohibits nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that receive Federal funds from using those funds "to pay for the performance of abortions as a method of family planning, or to motivate or coerce any…

Take Note

Lose-Lose on Abortion: Obama’s threat to Catholic hospitals and their very serious counterthreat.If the Freedom of Choice Act passes Congress, and that’s a big if, Obama has promised to sign it the second it hits his desk. (Here he is at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event in 2007, vowing,…


Robert Gagnon — Obama’s Coming War on Historic Christianity over Homosexual Practice and Abortion “If Obama is elected President this Tuesday he will make it a priority of his administration to pass legislation that will make war against Christians and persons of other religious convictions who believe that homosexual practice…

I just don’t have the words…

Public Discourse – Obama’s Abortion Extremism, by Robert George is a great article, articulating much better than I ever could, why voting for Obama for President is a patently unwise action to take if you wish to preserve the sanctity of human life. Below is a quote from the last…

The Long Winter

Its going to be a long winter. well. maybe it won’t, but right now, in the middle of the season I love best, I’m beginning to feel the dread of a long winter.I wish I understood how I felt. I’m not usually short on words to describe my feeling, being…


Between Two Worlds: What Is the Freedom of Choice Act? “So to summarize this act–which again, Barack Obama has promised to sign as his first order of business in the White House–abortion on demand will become codified, all regulations and restrictions will be stripped away, Christian hospitals and physicians will…


the evangelical outpost: The Global War Against Baby Girls “The widespread use of sonogram technology–coupled with liberal abortion laws–has made it possible for women to identify the sex of their child so that those without a Y chromosome can be killed before they’re even born.”

Extrodinary Selfishness and Debasement of Life

From an article in the LA Times this little excerpt nearly bowled me over:Sarah, 23, says it never occurred to her to use birth control, though she has been sexually active for six years. When she became pregnant this fall, Sarah, who works in real estate, was in the midst…

Abortion Rates Continue To Fall Under Bush Administration

Remember during the election when some guy posted a study that said abortion rates had gone up under the Bush administration? Well, it isn’t true. According to a article, abortion rates have continued to drop under the Bush Administration, though at a smaller rate than in previous years.