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Ode to Man

what is the heartbeat of life, the intangible lifeblood of man? what forces incite his waiting spirit or causes its ardor to wane? who moves the noble mortal in the courses of his destiny? and with Atlas’ strength anchors in diluvian depths his loyalty? why does man pulse with fire…


bounce, bound, bubble free the effervescent frivolity that rises up from a joyful soul on Christmas day especially — 12/16/09 – 15

Free Verse

the unerring voice wavered mechanically announcing points of interest to the figures on the wind swept platform standing stodgily in the rain — 12/16/09 – 14

Free Verse

he played music on a street corner not yet full of the seasons bustle the rise and fall of mournful notes a landscape painted in Christmas hues his red stocking cap sat a jaunty angle while tendrils of wispy smoke drifted on the wind, and brass vibrations wafted down the…

Free Verse
Calico, and My Fondest Dreams

you were my rest and i ached to rest weary shoulders, and a deep deep breath. i’d think of you, and i’d see flowers, calico, and my fondest dreams. we were so close to perfect, but now you’re gone, and i find myself missing you — 12/13/09 – 10 #favorite

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i lost my footing back in april and found i was foundering adrift without a tether tied my soul no longer calm it was anguish at first to feel the pressing panic of my mind a palpable fear that i had lost solace in a constant will yet through the…

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