Browsing: verse

Free Verse
The Best Things

i hear melodic phrases in the chambers of my mind they beckon me, enticing with words that shape, bend, and fashion bold and insightful pieces that reveal and illuminate the best things — 1/22/10 – 56 #favorite

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You Titillate With Your Words

you titillate with your words graphic images conjuring exotic lands foreign and benign and simple things revealed by choice morsels picked with careful and judicious precision. — 1/21/10 – 55

Free Verse
Outside Myself

i stepped outside myself and a facade lifted for a moment as though i was someone else as though i was a compartment in my own mind. — 1/20/10 – 54

Free Verse

precisely timed pressure changes convey melodies among the charged neurons building pictures, shaping emotions, evoking memories coloring the who, the what, and the story of life and self and past remembrance. — Soundtrack – 1/19/10 – 53

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Jet Black Hair

you were striking with your jet black hair the gloves you wore had snowflakes expressed in knit and for a brief moment you captured my imagination — 1/19/10 – 52

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Ferrous Wit

your ferrous wit is sharp its sometimes jagged edge rips through the flesh of my temperament leaving me bloody and bruised — 1/18/10 – 51

Free Verse
Fey Spirit

who are you? with your fey spirit tossing about whimsy with reckless abandon. why do you dance? unbridled and passionate your infectious grin a viral vector spreading mirth and convivial gaiety reveal yourself oh laughing sprite oh merry shade oh mysterious shadow for i would know your name. — 1/17/10…

First Breath of Spring

the balmy touch of your wispy fingers leaves the surface of my skin cold but my heart beats warm for thought of fog and a city shrouded and old the first breath of spring comes early though but a taste of things to come and come too soon to be…

Free Verse

you make violence an art graphic bloodletting paused and in slow motion. the clamour and rush of wild noise and a cheering crowd serve to excite passion and mad rage. — Spartacus – 1/14/10 – 47 #favorite

Free Verse

your deep redness is a balm to soothe sore eyes vermilion and scarlet hues dance with wild abandon in the recesses while crimson light splay across this painted canvas until your majestic being sinks beneath the rippled line and all is darkness — 1/13/10 – 46 #favorite

Free Verse
Hydrogen and Oxygen

hydrogen and oxygen joined by covalent bonds disseminate in languid trails embracing the wide sky curling in vacuous rings glowing amber and vermilion against a blood red sun until the arid waste of winter’s breath robs its soul of being — 1/12/10 – 45 #favorite

A Bleak and Lonely Midwinter Landscape

your delicate softness masks the bitter wind and amber glows on your icy countenance the frigid fingers of your caress warms me as i dwell on the beauty of your substance i see the night fall on the driven visage of your bleak and lonely midwinter landscape and the beauty…

Free Verse

elation rises strong in this melancholy heart nerves vibrate, attention hums, energy pours out of every pore the world lies open before me ready to be conquered for i am invincible and nothing is beyond my grasp — on caffeine – 1/10/10 – 43

Free Verse

hear the echoing waves returning from their journey beckoning silence for this empty room is a sanctuary a temple, a tomb where thoughts quiet and calm reigns like heaven on earth. — 1/9/10 – 42

The Call

in the mountains of the winter wind where the white wolves run and bit frost covers the rocky crag you can hear the distant drum its the call, my brother calling for the brave answer the call, my brother for the world to save –1/8/10 – 41

Free Verse
The Riddle of Your Existence

who will you be, oh man? with your time and talents? what will you do, oh man? with what you’ve been granted? where will you go, my brother? with resources you’ve been given? why do you stumble, my brother? with the path that you have chosen? time, the dance with…

Free Verse
My Brother

go my brother, where the wind blows to dance on the prairie steppes and feel the wind whip across the frosted tundra see my brother, the jungle steam rise through the terraced trees and watch the desert sand dance across the dulcet dunes feel my brother, the soft touch of…

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