Thursday, January 23

Over the past week and a half, I have risen at 6:30 and gone to bed at 9:30 – 10:00. I have worked hard, focused on a single task, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. A very active part of me still wishes that I did not have to work that hard all the time. You see, I’m a lazy person at heart most of the time. <grin> Each time I am in a situation that requires a lot out of me, and I give it all I have, I gain a little more ground on my lazy nature. This trip has given me ample opportunity to work and I feel as though my lazy nature is loosing badly. <grin> I have tasted the fruit of well earned labor and have found it sweet.

Teaching is not an easy profession. If a teacher tries hard, and puts his heart into his work, he will of necessity invest much of himself in his students. Herein lies the blessing and curse of a teacher. Some will understand and do well, some will not. Those that do not will cause the teacher pain, those that do understand will bring joy. I have been nervous for my students, hoping and wanting each one to understand the material and do well on their assignments. I do believe I was more nervous for them than they were. Time will tell how well they do…

Fatigue set in today. I could feel it wash over me in waves of semi painful feeling as I sat outside the church building waiting to start class. Partly the fatigue is emotional. Having invested much in these men, I want badly for them to do well. They turn in their biggest assignment tomorrow.

On a side note, I am learning more about how to relate to the female gender. <grin> They are an enigmatic gender, and in many things they do confound and often amuse and frustrate me. Having observed and listened to many of my seniors, I have given up hope of ever understanding them. I can now only work to avoid gettin on their nerves. hehe….

Today the men turned in their biggest assignment. They had to do a study of the book of Philippians, discerning the main truth of each paragraph. They all did very well. I am relieved to have it finished and more so to know that the guys are understanding the material.

I have been craving time alone of late as well. I love the people in our group very much, but I have become used to spending a lot of my time alone. In the past two weeks, I have been around many of them 24/7. I am not irritates with any of them, but I feel full and a little overwhelmed. I need time to contemplate and think about the experiences I have had.

In a few days we will be heading home and I am glad. But I will miss many of the people here. I like being called teacher, though the responsibility is often heavy. These people have been truly grateful for our help, and I feel humbled by them. I hope and pray that each will be blessed by what we have tried to do here. God has shown Himself very powerful and we all stand amazed in His presence.

Thank you all for your prayers. May the grace of God be with you all, Amen.

In Uganda,


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