Thursday, January 23


  1. I think you need to sharpen your lawnmoweer blade by looking at the grass tips. Wow!

  2. The photo was taken with a Canon EOS 10D, 6.3 Megapixerl Digital SLR. It’s not my grass, *grin*

  3. Man, that puts my Sony DSC-31 to same, but then again I don’t take pictures of grass, so I guess I don’t need quite the detail your camera does.

  4. Ash,

    Sony is a great manufacturer, but I would stay away from the Disk and CD media camera’s. You’ll be spending a lot of money on media and they generally don’t perform as well as memory stick cameras. If you don’t have your heart stuck on Sony, I reccomend the Olympus Camedia C-530, C-540, and C-550 cameras. They have a great range of options and more specifically a 10x zoom. If those prices are too high, the C-520 is what my roomate bought and its also very nice. The Camedia series is what you would call an SLR like camera, and because it has a larger lense, tends to have less optical degration. 3mp is enough to produce good 5×7’s and decent 8×10’s, so it should handle all your needs. It uses Smart Media cards which are competitive in pricing, and since it is reusable, one 64mb or 128mb card will be more than enough.

  5. Oooh, what an awesome picture, Jason!

    Hey, you guys, I’m looking for a digital camera for my birthday, and I’ve asked my dad for that one thing, and that one thing only. So, do you have any suggestions? I was going to get this camera, but I dunno. I’d kinda like it to be able to video things, but also take pictures.

    What do you think?;sid=Qyf9sHaNAGz9ukgx3Sb3uzmBLl0rWPrRKyk=?CatalogCategoryID=V9YKC0%2eN_vgAAAD1MVfx3AxA&ProductID=67YKC0%2eNA5kAAAD1ka_x3AxE&Dept=dcc

  6. Ash, I bought my Sony DSC-31 from Wal*Mart for $200 and my 32mb memory stick was $30. I love it and it works great!

  7. It makes me want to take my shoes of and walk around in it and watch my toes sparkle in the sun… I want to throw my hands up and spin around and close my eyes against the sun. I want to lay back in it, run my hands through it, cool and crisp and feel the warm breeze on my skin… That’s an absolutely wonderful picture!